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What does best practice in community-led mangrove management look like?
Wednesday 28th July
9.30 -11.00 London | 11.30-13:00 Antananarivo & Nairobi | 15.30-17.00 Jakarta
Session format
This event will consist of two parts: a forty five minute facilitated conversation with live questions to the panel in English, followed by a forty-five minute break out discussion in English, Bahasa Indonesia and French (indicate preferred language when registering for the event).
Meet the panel
Zo Andriamahenina, Blue Ventures, Madagascar
Rahma Kivugao, Mikoko Pamoja, Kenya
Laura Michie, Mangrove Action Project, UK
The panel discussion will be chaired by Cicelin Rakotomahazo, Blue Forests Coordinator, Blue Ventures, Madagascar
Session objectives
Based on the case studies presented by the panel and the experiences of participants, the event aims to: